Is french lick casino flooded

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IT’S A DUMP and to add insult to injury, they tacked on an unannounced $12 per day Resort Fee for all the crap they supposedly have available but evidently no one uses or they wouldn’t have to charge you surreptitiously. In over 1,000 hotels where I’ve stayed, this is the ONLY one where the beverage vending machines are located at one end of a football field sized hall and the Ice is at the complete opposite end. Same for the shops that offer K-Mart products ate Nieman-Marcus prices. To say the food was average is being kind but the prices were outrageous. The bathroom was sub-par with water pressure so low it took 20 minutes to fill a bathtub. A flat screen TV with no ability to access the Closed Caption function, a necessity for my hearing challenged wife. No place to sit except two VERY uncomfortable straight chairs suitable only for a dining room table.

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French Lick calls that section the GARDEN WING. Why do hotels who have some crummy rooms which haven’t been updated or renovated yet always call that section of rooms something to make you feel like it’s a privilege and a joy to stay in them.

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